About us

The Apex Friendship High School Media Center was established in August 2015.

The AFHS Media Center collection contains over 32,000 items.

Chromebooks are available in the library for student use.

The open floor concept of the library allows for collaboration between students and teachers. 

There are four instructional spaces available for classroom use: the Cube, the Green Zone, the Yellow Zone and the Twilight Zone. In addition to this, there are several flexible spaces for use.

The fiction books in the library are shelved according to genre and author and can be checked out for three weeks. These can be renewed upon request.

The magazines are available overnight, but can also be renewed upon request.


According to the Keith Lance Curry study The Impact of School Library Media Centers on Academic Achievement, test scores tend to be higher when a school has a full-time librarian who helps deliver library/information literacy instruction to students, plans instructional units cooperatively with teachers and provides in-service training to teachers and other staff. Consequently, the higher the student usage of the library, the higher the test scores. This study was also replicated in 14 states: Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri, Minnesota, Michigan, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Texas. The results from the other studies on student achievement have validated the original study.  

© 2015 AFHS Media Center
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